dyll is AI powered mobile app for all your business needs! Generate Invoices, PO, GRN, Manage vendors and customers at your fingertip.
Let AI be your accountant
Dyll takes your regular business chats and supercharges them with AI-driven document generation and business automation. Now, you can create, share, and track invoices, purchase orders, and other business documents without leaving the chat window.

Chat with your customer or vendor
Bring your customers and vendors on Dyll, make the deals on the Chat to keep track.

Generate invoice in the Chat
Easy invoice generation by just sending message as you send the message to an accountant.

Record your expenses on the go
Share bill receipts, invoices of your expenses and let AI be your accountant to keep track of your expenses.

Get all your monthly report
Generate all your monthly report on the go, or schedule reports for weekly updates.